Michele Drascek
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
25th - 26th June 2008
Quito, Ecuador
Curator for these topics that concern Italian-Slovenian ex-border, Michele Drascek introduced to the partecipants this important hinge between Ovest and Est Europe with different instruments:
> a short writing on the history of the border till the European Union presidency of Slovenia (1st January - 31st June 2008);
> the showing of three video of the director Anja Medved and produced by Kinoatelje* on the cities Gorizia-Nova Gorizia, the border between them, history and stories:
Moja Meja / Il mio confine (My border), Mesto na travniku / La citta' sul prato (The City on the meadow), Sesivalnica spomina /Ricuciture di memorie (Memories restitched);
> the introduction and the presentation of an extract of the book Confini di celluloide by Moreno Zago, edited by Kinoatelje: a book on the border between cinema and society, fiction and reality to understand the complex life on the frontiers;
> Michele Drascek documentary Borderland - recorded for Aequadorlab in June - on what remain of the borderline and the frontier posts between Gorizia and Nova Gorica after 21st December 2007, date of the entrance of Slovenia in Schengen Accord area.
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