Wednesday, 12 January 2000

Vom Meer bis zum Alpengeist macht der deutsche Gebirgssoldat


Vom Meer bis zum Alpengeist macht der deutsche Gebirgssoldat
video documentation - short version


The video is the result of a one-day-visit and documentation of the historical construction called Casermette in the city of Gorizia. Italy.

The sentence Vom Meer bis zum Alpengeist macht der deutsche Gebirgssoldat [The German soldier acts from the sea to the Alps] opens the video and is written on top of a front door of Casermette.

Casermette was an arms dump, built before 1930, composed of six big buildings in the shape of U. After 1947 (treat of Paris) it became a provisional house for exiles from Istria and then house for evicts of the city of Gorizia or for who was not able to afford the payment of a rent. It was a kind of squat for the poorest families of the city. A lot of these families were then moved to new houses built on the other side of the river Isonzo.

Casermette area, due to the presence of dangerous polluters, needs environment reclamation. Today, anyway, the same area is a sort of attempt of industrial zone.

The 1999 urban development plan of the city of Gorizia reports that the area of Casermette:

"It will be connected and absorbed in a valuable environmental sight, enriched by the public usability of the new park areas. Therefore, a part of the settlement of Casermette will become the new centre of the Park, in which will be installed function of support, fun, services. So, this development will create a green not-built area that skirts the river Isonzo and it will set up a further occasion to enhance the territory and the landscape".

The video was shot in 2000, one year after the official publication of the urban development plan.


the inhabitants of the German villages narrate stories about a legendary beast called Alpengeist, the Ghost of the Alps. So that the sentence could be translated also The German soldier acts from the sea to the Ghost of the Alps. The Ghost – in general means the Unknown – represent what scare the people. In short, the German soldier confront the Unknown, he is brave.