Sunday, 1 October 2006

Genius and Madness - new painting installation

Primo Piano Livingallery Contemporary Art
Genius and Madness

14 October 2006 at 8pm
Primo Piano Livingallery
Palazzo Rubichi
viale Guglielmo Marconi 4
Lecce, Italia
In Genius and Madness new painting installation:
The imperceptible order in the disorder…until the stroke on genius!
acrylic, chalk and burin on plywood and canvas
8 plywoods with frame 27x33cm, 5 canvases 20x20cm, 4 canvases 20x15cm
The imperceptible order in the disorder…
until the stroke on genius!
acrylic, chalk and burin on canvas

The imperceptible order in the disorder…
until the stroke on genius!

acrylic, chalk and burin on canvas

Saturday, 20 May 2006

One thing leads to another conclusions in Villa Manin

Da cosa nasce cosa
One thing leads to another

Saturday, 20th May 2006

Villa Manin, Passariano (Udine)

Conclusions from Love Difference workshop on creative processes for responsible social transformation to be published on Saturday 20th of May 2006 at Villa Manin in Passariano (Udine, Italy).

Conclusions will be published from Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto - Love Difference’s workshop on inter-disciplinary planning, held in Gorizia – Nova Gorica in April and May.

Partecipants in teamwork

Professionals and artists from different fields, including the partecipation of Michele Drascek, work to take aim at the topic of the workshop
: the interdisciplinary analysis of the territory of Gorizia – Nova Gorica, understanding the limits linked with the separation, and the intrinsic potential for relationships and confrontation between different people and socio-cultural realities.
The workshop is promoted by Modidi with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.


Wednesday, 1 February 2006

Bagliori (Beams)

Bagliori (Beams), series a paintings on canvas, goes beyond and is produced immediately after Insomnia series, in 2006. All the paintings have the same measure and layers.

Red Beam 2
Acrylic, plaster and enamel on canvas
30 x 30 cm.

Red Beam 3
Acrylic, plaster and enamel on canvas
30 x 30 cm.

Untitled 1
Acrylic, plaster and enamel on canvas
30 x 30 cm.

Untitled 2
Acrylic, plaster and enamel on canvas
30 x 30 cm.

Sunday, 1 January 2006


The concept of Insomnia is a consequence of a period of sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep, followed in particular by functional impairment of the eyesight. The field of vision is disturbed by alterations of the colours, stains and light lines. The first step of the production of Insomnia is to take notes of the alterations, make a drawing on paper only just happened. And then paint on canvas a reproduction of the alterations, a part of the field of vision.
Produced in 2006 and exhibited in the namesake solo exhibition Insomnia in
Antico Foledôr Boschetti della Torre, Manzano, Udine.

Insomnia 1
Acrylic, plaster and oil on canvas
60 x 60 cm.

Insomnia 3
acrylic, plaster, oil and graver on canvas
60 x 60 cm.
[© private collection]

acrylic and oil on canvas
20 x 20 cm.
[© private collection]